Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Clenched Fist
- noun - a hand with the fingers clenched in the palm (as for hitting)
Clerid Beetle
- noun - predacious on other insects; usually brightly colored or metallic
- noun - a genus of Cricetidae
- adjective - relating to a computer system in which a central server supports a number of networked workstations
Cliff Dweller
- noun - a member of the Anasazi people living in the southwestern United States who built rock or adobe dwellings on ledges in the sides of caves
Cliff Swallow
- noun - North American swallow that lives in colonies and builds bottle-shaped mud nests on cliffs and walls
- adjective - (of a situation) characterized by or causing suspense
Climatic Zone
- noun - any of the geographical zones loosely divided according to prevailing climate and latitude
- - A description of climates.