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15781 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - The formation of chyle. See Chylifaction.
  1. - Chylifactive.
  1. - The conversion of food into chyme by the digestive action of gastric juice.
  1. noun - a family of aquatic fungi of order Chytridiales
Cicada Killer
  1. noun - large black or rust-colored wasp that preys on cicadas
  1. - The process of forming a cicatrix, or the state of being cicatrized.
  1. - Imitation of, or resemblance to, the style or action Cicero; a Ciceronian phrase or expression.
Ciconia Nigra
  1. noun - Old World stork that is glossy black above and white below
  1. noun - order of chiefly tropical marsh-dwelling fish-eating wading birds with long legs and bills and (except for flamingos) unwebbed feet: herons; storks; spoonbills; flamingos; ibises
Cicuta Verosa
  1. noun - tall erect highly poisonous Eurasiatic perennial herb locally abundant in marshy areas