Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

15781 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Chlorophyll B
  1. noun - a dark-green plant pigment having a brilliant green alcohol solution
  2. a dark-green plant pigment having a brilliant green alcohol solution; generally characteristic of higher plants
Chlorophyll C
  1. noun - the chlorophyll present in brown algae, diatoms, and flagellates
Chlorophyll D
  1. noun - the chlorophyll found (together with chlorophyll a) in red algae
  1. noun - a heavy colorless insoluble liquid compound that causes tears and vomiting; used as a pesticide and as tear gas
  1. - A granule of chlorophyll; -- also called chloroleucite.
Chlorous Acid
  1. noun - (HClO2) a strongly oxidizing acid; known only in solution
  1. adverb - as completely as possible; "it was chock-a-block full"
Chocolate Bar
  1. noun - a bar of chocolate candy
Chocolate Egg
  1. noun - egg-shaped chocolate candy
Choice Morsel
  1. noun - a small tasty bit of food