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15781 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Cavalry Horse
  1. noun - horse trained for battle
Cavalry Sword
  1. noun - a stout sword with a curved blade and thick back
Cavalry Twill
  1. unknown - a sturdy suiting woven of tightly twisted yarns in a double twill
  1. - a stout sword with a curved blade and thick back.
Caveat Emptor
  1. noun - a commercial principle that without a warranty the buyer takes upon himself the risk of quality
  1. noun - the quality of something that continues without end or interruption
Cecropia Moth
  1. noun - North American silkworm moth; larvae feed on the leaves of forest trees
Cedar Waxwing
  1. noun - widely distributed over temperate North America
  1. adjective - smelling like cedar
Cedrus Libani
  1. noun - cedar of Lebanon and northwestern Syria that attains great age and height