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Matching Words

15781 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Carpet Beater
  1. noun - implement for beating dust out of carpets
Carpet Beetle
  1. noun - small beetle whose larvae are household pests feeding on woolen fabrics
Carpet Knight
  1. noun - a knight who spends his time in luxury and idleness (knighted on the carpet at court rather than on the field of battle)
  1. noun - an outsider who seeks power or success presumptuously; "after the Civil War the carpetbaggers from the north tried to take over the south"
  1. adjective - presumptuously seeking success or a position in a new locality; "a carpetbag stranger"; "a capetbag politician"
Carriage Bolt
  1. noun - a round-headed bolt for timber; threaded along part of the shank; inserted into holes already drilled
  2. a roundheaded bolt for timber; threaded along part of the shank; inserted into holes already drilled
Carrot Family
  1. noun - plants having flowers in umbels: parsley; carrot; anise; caraway; celery; dill
Carry Forward
  1. verb - transfer from one time period to the next
Carry Through
  1. verb - bring into safety;
  2. bring into safety; "We pulled through most of the victims of the bomb attack"
  3. put in effect; "carry out a task"; "execute the decision of the people"; "He actioned the operation"
Carry To Term
  1. verb - carry out a pregnancy; "She decided to carry the child to term, even though the foetus was shown to be defective"