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15781 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - severing the corpus callosum so that communication between the cerebral hemispheres is interrupted (in cases of severe intractable epilepsy)
  1. noun - devoid of passion or feeling; hardheartedness
Calorie Chart
  1. noun - a list of foods and information about their caloric content
  1. adjective - producing heat; usually used of foods; "calorifacient chili peppers"
  1. - Having, or relating to the power of producing heat; -- applied to foods which, being rich in carbon, as the fats, are supposed to give rise to heat in the animal body by oxidation.
  1. noun - measurement of quantities of heat
  1. noun - a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions
Calvary Cross
  1. noun - a Latin cross set on three steps
Calves' Liver
  1. noun - liver of a calf used as meat
  1. adjective - of or relating to or characteristic of Calvinism or its adherents