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Matching Words

15781 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - the abnormal development of male sexual characteristics in a female (usually as the result of hormone therapies or adrenal malfunction)
Virility Drug
  1. noun - drug to treat impotence attributable to erectile dysfunction
  1. noun - the abnormal development of male sexual characteristics in a female (usually as the result of hormone therapies or adrenal malfunction)
Virtual Image
  1. noun - a reflected optical image (as seen in a plane mirror)
Viscose Rayon
  1. noun - a rayon fabric made from viscose (cellulose xanthate) fibers
  1. noun - a measuring instrument for measuring viscosity
  1. adjective - of or relating to the measurement of viscosity
  1. noun - a noblewoman holding the rank of viscount in her own right
  2. a wife or widow of a viscount
  1. noun - resistance of a liquid to shear forces (and hence to flow)
Visible Light
  1. noun - (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation; "the light was filtered through a soft glass window"