Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Situated beyond, or outside of, the tropics; extratropical; also, having an excessively tropical temperature; warmer than the tropics.
- - Outside the zodiac; being in that part of the heavens that is more than eight degrees from the ecliptic; as, ultrazodiacal planets, that is, those planets which in part of their orbits go beyond the zodiac.
Ulugh Muztagh
- noun - a mountain in the Kunlun range in China (25,340 feet high)
Ulysses Grant
- noun - 18th President of the United States; commander of the Union armies in the American Civil War (1822-1885)
- - A tasteless white crystalline substance, C9H6O3, found in the bark of a certain plant (Daphne Mezereum), and also obtained by the distillation of certain gums from the Umbelliferae, as galbanum, asafetida, etc. It is analogous to coumarin. Called also hydroxy-coumarin. Its strong fluorescence under ultraviolet light makes it useful in analytical biochemistry, as, for example, to detect phosphatase activity by hydrolysis of umbelliferyl phosphate.
- adjective - relating to or belonging to plants of the family Umbelliferae
- - Having the form of anything that serves to shade, as a tree top, an umbrella, and the like; specifically (Bot.), having the form of an umbrella; umbrella-shaped.
Umbrella Arum
- noun - foul-smelling somewhat fleshy tropical plant of southeastern Asia cultivated for its edible corms or in the greenhouse for its large leaves and showy dark red spathe surrounding a large spadix
Umbrella Bird
- noun - black tropical American bird having a large overhanging crest and long feathered wattle
Umbrella Fern
- noun - large Australasian fern with fanlike repeatedly forked fronds; sometimes placed in genus Gleichenia