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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a plaything consisting of a board balanced on a fulcrum; the board is ridden up and down by children at either end
  2. ride on a plank
  1. noun - a plaything consisting of a board balanced on a fulcrum; the board is ridden up and down by children at either end
  2. ride on a plank
Teething Ring
  1. noun - device used for an infant to suck or bite on
  1. unknown - collector of beermats
Tel Aviv-Yalo
  1. noun - the largest city and financial center of Israel; located in western Israel on the Mediterranean
  1. - A station on the Nile in Egypt, midway between Thebes and Memphis, forming the site of the ancient city of Akhetaton, capital of Amenophis IV. (Akhenaton, or Amenhotep IV., of the 18th dynasty, king 1353-1336 B. C.), whose archive chamber was discovered there during extensive excavations in 1887-1888. A collection of about 300 clay tablets (called the Tel-el-Amarna tablets, or the Amarna tablets) was found here, forming the diplomatic correspondence (Tel-el-Amarna letters) of Amenophis IV. and his father, Amenophis III., with the kings of Asiatic countries (such as Babylonia, Assyria, and Palestine), written in cuneiform characters. It is an important source of our knowledge of Asia from about 1400 to 1370 b. c.. The name of the site is also spelled Tell-el-Amarna, Tell el Amarna, and Tel Amarna.
  1. - Telangiectasis.
Telecom Hotel
  1. noun - a building that houses telecommunications equipment; "the telecom hotels are prime targets for bombing"
  1. noun - the use of the telephone as an interactive medium for promotion and sales
  1. noun - employment at home while communicating with the workplace by phone or fax or modem