Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Being above, or superior to, matter.
- noun - any very large complex molecule; found only in plants and animals
- - The act of floating on the surface of a fluid.
- noun - supernatural forces and events and beings collectively; "She doesn't believe in the supernatural"
- adjective - a minor actor in crowd scenes
- a person serving no apparent function; "reducing staff is difficult because our employees include no supernumeraries"
- more than is needed, desired, or required; "trying to lose excess weight"; "found some extra change lying on the dresser"; "yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant"; "skills made redundant by technological advance"; "sleeping in the spare room"; "supernumerary ornamentation"; "it was supererogatory of her to gloat"; "delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words"; "extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts"; "surplus cheese distributed to the needy"
- adjective - a word that is more generic than a given word
- of higher rank or status or value
- one of greater rank or station or quality
- place in a superior order or rank; "These two notions are superordinated to a third"
- unknown - A highly organised community
- - Of or pertaining to a ratio when the excess of the greater term over the less is more than a unit, as that of 3 to 5, or 7 to 10.
- - Above or beyond physics; not explainable by physical laws.
- noun - (geology) the deposition of one geological stratum on another
- (geology) the principle that in a series of stratified sedimentary rocks the lowest stratum is the oldest
- (geometry) the placement of one object ideally in the position of another one in order to show that the two coincide
- the placement of one thing on top of another