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15781 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Black Buffalo
  1. noun - fish of the lower Mississippi
Black Caraway
  1. noun - herb of the Mediterranean region having pungent seeds used like those of caraway
Black Catechu
  1. noun - extract of the heartwood of Acacia catechu used for dyeing and tanning and preserving fishnets and sails; formerly used medicinally
  2. extract of the heartwood of Acacia catechu used for dying and tanning and preserving fishnets and sails; formerly used medicinally
Black Crappie
  1. noun - a crappie that is black
Black Currant
  1. noun - small black berries used in jams and jellies
  2. widely cultivated current bearing edible black aromatic berries
Black Diamond
  1. noun - an inferior dark diamond used in industry for drilling and polishing
Black Disease
  1. noun - a disease of the liver (especially in sheep and cattle) caused by liver flukes and their by-products
Black Economy
  1. noun - a hidden sector of the economy where private cash transactions go unreported; "no one knows how large the black economy really is"
Black English
  1. noun - a nonstandard form of American English characteristically spoken by African Americans in the United States
  2. a nonstandard form of American English spoken by some Black people in the United States
Black Hamburg
  1. - A sweet and juicy variety of European grape, of a dark purplish black color, much grown under glass in northern latitudes.