Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - One who, or that which, carries a shield.
- adjective - (of a leaf shape) round, with the stem attached near the center of the lower surface rather than the margin (as a nasturtium leaf for example)
- noun - a failure to be active as a consequence of lack of initiative or ambition
Shiite Muslim
- noun - a member of the branch of Islam that regards Ali as the legitimate successor to Mohammed and rejects the first three caliphs
Shilly Shally
- unknown - procrastinate; refrain, shy from taking a positive course of action.
- Waffling
- - In an irresolute, undecided, or hesitating manner.
Shining Sumac
- noun - common nonpoisonous shrub of eastern North America with compound leaves and green paniculate flowers followed by red berries
Ship Building
- noun - the construction of ships
Ship Chandler
- noun - a dealer in equipment and supplies for ships
Ship's Galley
- noun - the area for food preparation on a ship