Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Serum Disease
- noun - a delayed allergic reaction to the injection of an antiserum caused by an antibody reaction to an antigen in the donor serum
- - The treatment of disease by the injection of blood serum from immune animals.
Service Break
- noun - a tennis game won on the opponent''s service
- a tennis game won on the opponent's service
Service Staff
- noun - those in a business responsible for maintaining the physical plant
Sesame Family
- noun - the family of plants of order Polemoniales
Sesamoid Bone
- noun - any of several small round bones formed in a tendon where it passes over a joint
- noun - a very long word (a foot and a half long)
- - Subduplicate of the triplicate; -- a term applied to ratios; thus, a and asesquiplicate ratio of b and ba is to ab is to the square root of the cube of ba:a3:3.
- unknown - A chemical naturally occurring in plants