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15781 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Rock 'N' Roll
  1. noun - a genre of popular music originating in the 1950s; a blend of Black rhythm-and-blues with White country-and-western; "rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock''n''roll."
  2. a genre of popular music originating in the 1950s; a blend of black rhythm-and-blues with white country-and-western; "rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock'n'roll."
Rock And Roll
  1. noun - a genre of popular music originating in the 1950s; a blend of Black rhythm-and-blues with White country-and-western; "rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock''n''roll."
  2. a genre of popular music originating in the 1950s; a blend of black rhythm-and-blues with white country-and-western; "rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock'n'roll."
Rock Barnacle
  1. noun - barnacle that attaches to rocks especially in intertidal zones
Rock Climbing
  1. noun - the sport or pastime of scaling rock masses on mountain sides (especially with the help of ropes and special equipment)
Rock Geranium
  1. noun - plant with basal leaves mottled with white and flowers in lax panicles on erect stems
Rock Kangaroo
  1. noun - slender long-legged Australian wallabies living in caves and rocky areas
Rock Polypody
  1. noun - chiefly lithophytic or epiphytic fern of North America and east Asia
Rock Purslane
  1. noun - a plant of the genus Calandrinia
Rock Sandwort
  1. noun - low perennial tufted plant of southeastern North America
Rock Sea Bass
  1. noun - a kind of sea bass