Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Of or pertaining to respiration; as, respirational difficulties.
- noun - brilliant radiant beauty; "the glory of the sunrise"
- adverb - in an impressively beautiful manner; "the Princess was gorgeously dressed"
Response Time
- noun - the time that elapses between a stimulus and the response to it
- noun - the proprietor of a restaurant
- noun - the proprietor of a restaurant
- noun - the attribute of being restful; "he longed for the restfulness of home"
Resting Spore
- noun - a spore of certain algae or fungi that lies dormant; may germinate after a prolonged period
- noun - characterized by nervousness and quickness to take fright
- the anxious feeling you have when you have the jitters
Restless Legs
- noun - feeling of uneasiness and restlessness in the legs after going to bed (sometimes causing insomnia); may be relieved temporarily by walking or moving the legs