Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - compensation paid (to someone) for damages or losses or money already spent etc.; "he received reimbursement for his travel expenses"
- - The act of reimporting; also, that which is reimported.
- verb - be born anew in another body after death; "Hindus believe that we transmigrate"
- cause to appear in a new form; "the old product was reincarnated to appeal to a younger market"
- noun - a second or new birth
- embodiment in a new form (especially the reappearance or a person in another form); "his reincarnation as a lion"
- the Hindu or Buddhist doctrine that a person may be reborn successively into one of five classes of living beings (god or human or animal or hungry ghost or denizen of Hell) depending on the person's own actions
Reindeer Moss
- noun - an erect grayish branching lichen of Arctic and even some north temperate regions constituting the chief food for reindeer and caribou and sometimes being eaten by humans
- an erect greyish branching lichen of Arctic and even some north temperate regions constituting the chief food for reindeer and caribou and sometimes being eaten by humans
- noun - (psychology) a stimulus that strengthens or weakens the behavior that produced it
- a device designed to provide additional strength; "the cardboard backing was just a strengthener"; "he used gummed reinforcements to hold the page in his notebook"
- a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission; "they called for artillery support"
- an act performed to strengthen approved behavior
- information that makes more forcible or convincing; "his gestures provided eloquent reinforcement for his complaints"
- noun - the act of restoring someone to a previous position; "we insisted on the reinstatement of the colonel"
- the condition of being reinstated; "her reinstatement to her former office followed quickly"