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Matching Words

15781 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Red Raspberry
  1. noun - any of several raspberries bearing red fruit
Red Rat Snake
  1. noun - large harmless snake of southeastern United States; often on farms
Red Underwing
  1. noun - moth having dull forewings and red-marked hind wings
  1. noun - dichromacy characterized by lowered sensitivity to long wavelengths of light resulting in an inability to distinguish red and purplish blue
Red-Dog Flour
  1. - The lowest grade of flour in milling. It is dark and of little expansive power, is secured largely from the germ or embryo and adjacent parts, and contains a relatively high percentage of protein. It is chiefly useful as feed for farm animals.
Red-Hot Poker
  1. noun - widely cultivated hybrid poker plant
Reddish Brown
  1. noun -
  2. a shade of brown with a tinge of red
  1. adjective - of brown tinged with red
  1. noun - a new dedication; "the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem"
  1. - Redeemableness.