Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Punching Ball
- noun - an inflated ball or bag that is suspended and punched for training in boxing
- adverb - in a punctilious manner; "he launched into a long history of the birth of communism, giving credit punctiliously to the work of Marx and Engels"
- noun - the quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time
Puppet Leader
- noun - a leader or ruler who is chosen by a despot to head a government
Purbeck Stone
- - A limestone from the Isle of Purbeck in England.
- noun - a ceremonial cleansing from defilement or uncleanness by the performance of appropriate rites
- the act of cleaning by getting rid of impurities
- the act of purging of sin or guilt; moral or spiritual cleansing; "purification through repentance"
- the process of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or sugar etc.)
- adverb - in a prudish manner; "she acts prudishly, but I wonder whether she is really all that chaste"
Purkinje Cell
- noun - a large densely branching neuron that is the characteristic cell of the cerebellar cortex
Purple Clover
- noun - erect to decumbent short-lived perennial having red-purple to pink flowers; the most commonly grown forage clover
Purple Martin
- noun - large North American martin of which the male is blue-black