Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a drug used as an anesthetic by veterinarians; illicitly taken (originally in the form of powder or `dust') for its effects as a hallucinogen
- noun - a long-acting barbiturate used as a sedative
Phenolic Urea
- noun - a plastic consisting of phenolic resins
- - That theory which limits positive or scientific knowledge to phenomena only, whether material or spiritual.
- noun - a philosophical doctrine proposed by Edmund Husserl based on the study of human experience in which considerations of objective reality are not taken into account
- noun - a compound used primarily in veterinary medicine to rid farm animals of internal parasites
- noun - anticonvulsant (trade name Milontin) used to treat petit mal
- noun - a virility drug (trade name Vasomax) to treat erectile dysfunction in men
- noun - an essential amino acid found in proteins and needed for growth of children and for protein metabolism in children and adults; abundant in milk and eggs; it is normally converted to tyrosine in the human body
- noun - a powerful vasoconstrictor used to dilate the pupils and relieve nasal congestion