Matching Words
8996 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Raised Doughnut
- noun - a doughnut made light with yeast rather than baking powder
Rana Temporaria
- noun - a common semiterrestrial European frog
Randall Jarrell
- noun - United States poet (1914-1965)
Random Sampling
- noun - the selection of a random sample; each element of the population has an equal chance of been selected
Random Variable
- noun - a variable quantity that is random
Ranvier's Nodes
- noun - small gaps in the myelin sheath of medullated axons
Ranz Des Vaches
- - The name for numerous simple, but very irregular, melodies of the Swiss mountaineers, blown on a long tube called the Alpine horn, and sometimes sung.
- noun - an excessive desire for wealth (usually in large amounts); "the greediness of lawyers"
- extreme gluttony
Rape Conviction
- noun - conviction for rape
Ratafia Biscuit
- noun - macaroon flavored with ratafia liqueur