Matching Words
8996 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Genus Thespesia
- noun - a small genus of tropical trees including the portia tree
- small genus of tropical trees: Portia tree
Genus Thielavia
- noun - genus of fungi having spherical brown perithecia and some conidia borne in chains; cause root rot
Genus Thujopsis
- noun - one species; has close similarity to genus Thuja
Genus Tofieldia
- noun - genus of perennial herbs of cool temperate regions; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae
Genus Tomistoma
- noun - a genus of Malayan crocodiles
Genus Trachodon
- noun - a reptile genus of the suborder Euronithopoda
Genus Trachurus
- noun - scads especially horse mackerels
- the scads (particularly horse mackerels)
Genus Treponema
- noun - type genus of Treponemataceae: anaerobic spirochetes with an undulating rigid body; parasitic in warm-blooded animals