Matching Words
8996 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Genus Mertensia
- noun - a genus of herbs belonging to the family Boraginaceae that grow in temperate regions and have blue or purple flowers shaped like funnels
Genus Millettia
- noun - genus of trees and shrubs of the Old World tropics
Genus Minuartia
- noun - mostly perennial herbs of northern hemisphere often with mat-forming habit; most often placed in genus Arenaria: sandworts
Genus Mirabilis
- noun - four o''clocks
- four o'clocks
Genus Mitchella
- noun - creeping evergreen herbs of North America
Genus Molucella
- noun - small genus of aromatic herbs of Mediterranean regions; widely cultivated
Genus Momordica
- noun - Old World tropical vine
Genus Monotropa
- noun - leafless fleshy saprophytic plants; in some classifications placed in the family Pyrolaceae