Matching Words
8996 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Gambling Casino
- noun - a public building for gambling and entertainment
Gambling System
- noun - a system of rules for placing bets that is believed to lead to winning; "he has a perfect gambling system at roulette"
Game Misconduct
- noun - (ice hockey) a penalty that suspends a player for the remainder of a game (but allows the team to send in a substitute for the suspended player)
Gamma Radiation
- noun - electromagnetic radiation emitted during radioactive decay and having an extremely short wavelength
Gangster's Moll
- noun - the girl friend of a gangster
- the girlfriend of a gangster
Garboard Strake
- noun - the first wale laid next to the keel of a wooden ship
Garden Angelica
- noun - a biennial cultivated herb; its stems are candied and eaten and its roots are used medicinally
Gardening Leave
- unknown - Gardening leave is when an employee leaves a job and is required to stay away from work during their notice period. They are still paid as normal, and can either work at home/from another location, or not at all.
- adjective - having the color of garnet
- noun - the quality of being wordy and talkative