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help please 3 fred 25th November 2009, 10:50
» by jimc
help please 1 fred 25th November 2009, 09:33
» by robtherich
TV programmes 3 celadon 25th November 2009, 09:21
» by celadon
Daily Rec Tues 5 jinty 24th November 2009, 23:22
» by jinty
Tues big x-word 6 caz 24th November 2009, 23:16
» by caz
1 Down, 23rd Nov. Wee Stinker. 21 haff 24th November 2009, 21:26
» by frenkmcginty
Household hints! 7 nibbles 24th November 2009, 21:00
» by the joker
Christmas 1 nibbles 24th November 2009, 20:05
» by coline
Zoo or wildlife park creatures 3 caruso 24th November 2009, 19:59
» by terry
Tough clue - need support 18 sylvie 24th November 2009, 19:25
» by helen
Mazeltov....The WEE Stinker. 0 haff 24th November 2009, 19:00
» by haff
wee stinker 13 penguin 24th November 2009, 18:52
» by haff
Express Crusader 24th Nov 4 tillymica 24th November 2009, 17:32
» by helen
mos lancelot crossword. 4 krisstoff 24th November 2009, 17:07
» by krisstoff
stammer 3 helen 24th November 2009, 16:36
» by helen
Express Crusader 3 benoni45 24th November 2009, 16:34
» by john (from arran)
Religious sect 6 sue n neil 24th November 2009, 16:25
» by john (from arran)
Times cryptic 24389 7 magmac 24th November 2009, 14:31
» by m
Tue D RECord 13 bryan 24th November 2009, 14:17
» by bryan
Crusader 24th Nov 4 tillymica 24th November 2009, 14:05
» by the alchemist
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