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No numbers crossword 6 colin 20th December 2009, 17:47
» by anniec
express xmas crossword 7 dawn 20th December 2009, 17:37
» by dawn
Sat times 24.413 4 roger 20th December 2009, 17:22
» by ajt
Xmas 4 dairybox 20th December 2009, 16:50
» by jolan
Sat Tel Prize crossword 7 april 20th December 2009, 16:42
» by calliewag
Yorkshire 3 paul r 20th December 2009, 16:25
» by john (from arran)
Placename in Lincolnshire 1 chuckle 20th December 2009, 16:05
» by cazzy
D Rec Sat 19th 3 jimmy 20th December 2009, 15:59
» by jimmy
ST today 5 des 20th December 2009, 15:33
» by des
cities towns villages in France 7 chuckle 20th December 2009, 15:29
» by machloop
Proverbs & sayings 4 billie 20th December 2009, 14:27
» by billie
sundat times 4360 2 jane 20th December 2009, 11:46
» by jane
Today's Guardian 13 ajt 20th December 2009, 11:41
» by ajt
W13 DT £500 GK XWord 9 simon 20th December 2009, 11:32
» by ajt
Last 2 to finish 4 patrick 20th December 2009, 11:17
» by ajt
stuck on 2 clues 3 barns 20th December 2009, 11:06
» by barns
DT 26116 3 magmac 20th December 2009, 11:04
» by magmac
Belfast Telegraph 2 bill 20th December 2009, 10:53
» by bill
DT 26116 7 ash 20th December 2009, 10:43
» by neil h francis
you mag 2 bean 20th December 2009, 10:31
» by bean
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