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Wragby & district swimming club - 'J People' quiz - all surnames begin with 'J' 8 ejay 15th February 2010, 08:01
» by ejay
Sat Tel 26163 18 D 6 geoff marbella 15th February 2010, 06:29
» by zaphod
TLS 820 4 mh 15th February 2010, 00:19
» by mh
Indie 7279 2 sudokulover 14th February 2010, 23:56
» by sudokulover
The prize crossword No 1,424 mail on sunday 6 eddie 14th February 2010, 23:43
» by don draper
Sat times 24.460 10 april 14th February 2010, 23:06
» by silly boy
ST 4368 2 skipmaster 14th February 2010, 22:19
» by skipmaster
Sunday Mail Magazine 5 brenda 14th February 2010, 22:15
» by brenda
Last few 2 jane 14th February 2010, 22:04
» by mamya
Sat times 24.460 2 rosie 14th February 2010, 22:03
» by ajh
Sunday Mail - Magazine 2 brenda 14th February 2010, 21:49
» by helena
sunday Mail 30 across 1 kenny 14th February 2010, 21:42
» by helena
Times Jumbo 858 cryptic 2 bluemoon2 14th February 2010, 21:36
» by bluemoon2
Radio Times 7 22 bees 14th February 2010, 21:16
» by thicky
Guardian A-Z 10 phil 14th February 2010, 18:33
» by guineveretoo
last 3 on Jumbo cryptic times 858 3 sb 14th February 2010, 18:21
» by mamya
ST 4368 7 blondie 14th February 2010, 18:01
» by sandra
SAT 13th FEB DAILY RECORD 6 millie 14th February 2010, 17:33
» by trevor
HELP! Not many left... 3 jess 14th February 2010, 16:53
» by jess
The Week 682 2 patricia king 14th February 2010, 16:39
» by sarumite
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