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cryptic problem 1 diane 8th September 2010, 08:57
» by pete
dont make fun of me 1 ? 8th September 2010, 07:45
» by linda
stuck 2 robert 8th September 2010, 07:09
» by trevor
trout and salmon 9 r ramsay 8th September 2010, 02:15
» by mamya
MAMYA NOT ALL ANSWERS ARE FROM A BOOK 11 sue 8th September 2010, 00:28
» by mamya
I MEAN IT MAMYA WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? 7 sue 7th September 2010, 23:25
» by mamya
local paper 7 paul 7th September 2010, 22:53
» by trevor
i really dont mean to spoil stuff 0 ?? 7th September 2010, 22:24
» by ??
A LITTLE FISHY? 0 greg 7th September 2010, 22:00
» by greg
crossword clue 1 sophia smith 7th September 2010, 21:44
» by ixion
Tuesday Crusader 8 tiswas123 7th September 2010, 21:39
» by tiswas123
pick me up mag 8 lolly 7th September 2010, 20:42
» by martinr
Times2Crossword 5250 13 janette 7th September 2010, 20:42
» by crypto
You mag 3 jane 7th September 2010, 20:39
» by crypto
A FISHING PLATFORM IS DIFFERENT TO A PEG 0 sue 7th September 2010, 19:37
» by sue
Private Eye no425 27ac 2 tony 7th September 2010, 19:33
» by tony
herald 4 sean 7th September 2010, 19:24
» by sean
herald 2 sean 7th September 2010, 18:54
» by sean
daily telegraph 26.339 2 doug 7th September 2010, 18:31
» by doug
jumbo cryptic 887 3 casita 7th September 2010, 18:16
» by casita
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