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Cryptic 109 2 whyr 19th September 2010, 08:41
» by whyr
Sunday Express Skeleton 1 alan 19th September 2010, 08:05
» by alan
Skeleton 2 jamie 19th September 2010, 08:00
» by jamie
Mephisto 2612 32a 2 mh 19th September 2010, 05:33
» by mh
last one daily record 76a axle(5) a??o? 5 jean 19th September 2010, 04:39
» by the joker
crossword solution 1 betsy sullivan 19th September 2010, 03:44
» by ixion
ft 13494 4 oldham 19th September 2010, 01:51
» by oldham
Lame brain 1 honoria 19th September 2010, 01:17
» by jim
cryptic help please 26 stan 19th September 2010, 01:16
» by trevor
BRISTOLIAN ANN 12 todd 19th September 2010, 01:03
» by norman
NASTY BASTARD TERRY 2 todd 19th September 2010, 00:11
» by honoria
PRIMATES 10 bristolian ann 19th September 2010, 00:02
» by honoria
DT 26349 5 dandelion 18th September 2010, 23:32
» by trevor
I could be here all night. Tryin to pretend i.m good lol 2 aimz 18th September 2010, 23:24
» by tracey
Me again, 3 aimz 18th September 2010, 23:12
» by bella
Help 1 aimz 18th September 2010, 23:01
» by gwladys
last ones 5 stan 18th September 2010, 22:39
» by terry
Indy 7465 3 dave+caroline 18th September 2010, 22:32
» by trevor
help 6 tracey 18th September 2010, 22:32
» by jomac
only 3 to get 5 megamargre 18th September 2010, 22:19
» by trevor
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