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D. Tel. 6 suki 25th September 2010, 13:30
» by suki
BELFAST TELEGRAPH 7d 2 rl 25th September 2010, 12:20
» by rl
Save the Children Gen Knowledge quiz 2 ejay 25th September 2010, 12:03
» by ejay
Tmes jumbo 890 2 lesley 25th September 2010, 12:01
» by kate
Times Jumbo 890 4 freeze 25th September 2010, 11:54
» by freeze
the sun 2 stu 25th September 2010, 11:46
» by jomac
mystery 30 sallyw 25th September 2010, 10:13
» by sallyw
LOGOMANIA KETTERING 1 susie 25th September 2010, 09:55
» by curley
The Week 716 4 bill d 25th September 2010, 09:49
» by bill d
all answers are cities of the world 2 ejay 25th September 2010, 09:37
» by ajt
WHERE ARE YOU ALL? 1 stan 25th September 2010, 09:37
» by bill d
The week 716 1 bill d 25th September 2010, 07:13
» by ixion
times cryptic 24651 5 sallyw 25th September 2010, 00:05
» by eric
crusader crossword 3 sue 24th September 2010, 22:36
» by sue
PARTS OF BODY 12 queenie 24th September 2010, 22:07
» by queenie
Name the fruit 7 danny 24th September 2010, 21:24
» by stan
TLS 849 3d 2 mh 24th September 2010, 21:05
» by mh
dingbat 3 panda 24th September 2010, 21:03
» by stan
Enigmatic Variations 933 16 rosie 24th September 2010, 20:14
» by tony
Times 2 Jumbo 888 9 dumblix 24th September 2010, 18:23
» by dumblix
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