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Daily Mail crossword Sunday 10 October 3 jo 13th October 2010, 18:00
» by jo
M.o.S You mag No.1199HELP!! 2 dukey 13th October 2010, 17:56
» by dukey
Intouch Magazine No 124 cryptic 3 jellybean 13th October 2010, 17:36
» by dave
sunday mail mag 4 minniejo 13th October 2010, 17:16
» by ajt
places in GB 10 marge 13th October 2010, 15:40
» by suki
D. Mail 6 suki 13th October 2010, 14:00
» by suki
daily mail crossword 2 redgate 13th October 2010, 13:22
» by redgate
places in England 5 bigfoot 13th October 2010, 12:48
» by bigfoot
times 2 no 891 9 eileen 13th October 2010, 11:09
» by eileen
d mail 6 eddie 13th October 2010, 10:50
» by emf
ST 4402 2 les 40 13th October 2010, 10:34
» by les 40
Yours magazine crossword 2 joe 90 13th October 2010, 09:56
» by joe 90
RT41 46 philip 13th October 2010, 07:50
» by charlies human
everyman3341 3 bert 13th October 2010, 07:42
» by bert
Aeroplanes and helicopters Clue 16 2 magic1 13th October 2010, 00:14
» by magic1
Jolan's 5 (2) 9 jolan 12th October 2010, 23:06
» by problem chimp
Last 3 12 gillt 12th October 2010, 22:20
» by crypto
More clues 5 gillt 12th October 2010, 21:07
» by gillt
cryptic competition clues 6 gillt 12th October 2010, 20:54
» by gillt
mail 6 across 2 nicky 12th October 2010, 18:53
» by nicky
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