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Tues Daily Record 3 millie 20th October 2010, 17:44
» by millie
pairs or partners 4 dairybox 20th October 2010, 17:11
» by dairybox
Local cryptic 2 tonta 20th October 2010, 17:06
» by tonta
Autumn Rhyme Time 2 beesure 20th October 2010, 16:52
» by beesure
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 4 pooksahib 20th October 2010, 15:55
» by pooksahib
Times 2 jumbo Oct 9th 2 sarah 20th October 2010, 14:58
» by sarah
Brands of whisky 32 geert 20th October 2010, 14:54
» by simone
Daily Mail 2 missy 20th October 2010, 14:30
» by missy
old rainbow quirky questions 25 lizzyminto 20th October 2010, 13:56
» by lizzyminto
I can't get 5d! 6 lainey 20th October 2010, 11:59
» by chrisg
radio times crossword clue 1 peter 20th October 2010, 09:56
» by silly boy
DM 20.10 2 marilyn 20th October 2010, 09:17
» by marilyn
stuck 4 louise 20th October 2010, 07:31
» by chrisg
DM 11Across 4 graham 20th October 2010, 06:43
» by emf
cryptics help 1 rhonda 20th October 2010, 05:02
» by tippy
daily record big one 3 redford 20th October 2010, 00:28
» by trevor
herald 2 sean 19th October 2010, 23:00
» by terry
Tuesday crusader 4 tiswas123 19th October 2010, 21:58
» by terry
Tues Daily Record 4 millie 19th October 2010, 21:46
» by killieboy
The Uttlesforde Orchestra Quiz 23 jimbo 19th October 2010, 21:01
» by emf
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