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Guardian 39 ulf 31st October 2010, 22:10
» by pezbuin
Can't get these two 3 ravel 31st October 2010, 22:07
» by terry
Last two 3 quincy 31st October 2010, 21:54
» by terry
Sunday Life 3 ravel 31st October 2010, 21:50
» by terry
went wrong then 7 stan 31st October 2010, 21:39
» by terry
last ones please 6 stan 31st October 2010, 21:16
» by terry
Clues may have misprints. 1 rosie 31st October 2010, 21:05
» by tony
cryptic help please 3 stan 31st October 2010, 20:33
» by torvic
Sun Times Mephisto 7 crane 31st October 2010, 20:30
» by crane
Sunday Mail crossword 6 steve 31st October 2010, 20:29
» by redford
daily record £500. crossword 1 brian 31st October 2010, 20:26
» by redford
Lancelot Mail on Sunday 12 suki 31st October 2010, 20:16
» by robbie
last two 3 doug 31st October 2010, 20:13
» by terry
Times Jumbo X word 895 2 alf 31st October 2010, 20:12
» by alf
cryptic probs 2 doug 31st October 2010, 19:50
» by terry
A train answer 3 bobbige 31st October 2010, 19:45
» by bobbige
sevendays crossword 1 eilidhbeth 31st October 2010, 19:38
» by supergran
4405 times 6 letitia 31st October 2010, 19:03
» by julesb
mail on sunday mag ..1202 2 howie 31st October 2010, 19:01
» by howie
Times 4405 2 lulu 31st October 2010, 18:35
» by lulu
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