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Times 897 2 shahpur 13th November 2010, 14:22
» by shahpur
ft 13542 5 oldham 13th November 2010, 14:19
» by oldham
d.mail sat 13th 2 emf 13th November 2010, 14:12
» by emf
RTE Crossword No 46 8 kieros 13th November 2010, 14:10
» by kieros
daily record big one 1 redford 13th November 2010, 14:01
» by suki
herald 5 sean 13th November 2010, 13:46
» by jim
daily star jumbo puzzle 2 scousemark 13th November 2010, 13:30
» by scousemark
clue - Easily 5 ann 13th November 2010, 13:07
» by ann
daily mail nov12 4 redgate 13th November 2010, 13:03
» by shazam
Times 897 2 shahpur 13th November 2010, 13:01
» by shahpur
daily mail 1 redgate 13th November 2010, 12:31
» by shazam
daily mail 12nov 3 redgate 13th November 2010, 12:19
» by the judge
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 7 claire 13th November 2010, 11:56
» by claire
Daily Telegraph Sat 26,397 8 george 13th November 2010, 11:42
» by chrisg
Times 24694 6 jeannie 13th November 2010, 11:18
» by jeannie
more help if possible please 2 sallie 13th November 2010, 09:59
» by suki
Quiz re plants flowers shrubs and trees - help please 1 sallie 13th November 2010, 09:52
» by ab
help with a quiz please 6 sallie 13th November 2010, 09:29
» by suki
will i win? 8 doug 13th November 2010, 06:54
» by trevor
clue: owns the least marbles? 6 chris 13th November 2010, 01:53
» by matt
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