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Topic Replies Started by Last post
star alpha 2 catwoman48 8th August 2019, 11:19
» by catwoman48
Jumbo Cryptic 1394 7 doradoodle 8th August 2019, 11:09
» by ginge
Clueless 435 48 ginge 8th August 2019, 09:16
» by peterm
i Cryptic 2652 6 diablos 8th August 2019, 06:48
» by rusty
daily record funday Tuesday august 6th 8 annilee11 8th August 2019, 05:11
» by rusty
Guardian cryptic 27893/Cyclops 657 0 gasmanjack 7th August 2019, 18:39
» by gasmanjack
Times Cryptic 1394 2 philm 7th August 2019, 18:12
» by philm
TLS 1278 8 ruby7 7th August 2019, 17:33
» by chrise
PRIV EYE-657 3 hallgreening 7th August 2019, 17:16
» by malone
star alpha 3 catwoman48 7th August 2019, 16:31
» by brendan
private Eye 657 4 pepsi1000 7th August 2019, 14:12
» by malone
I’m new to cryptic. 3 sharond 7th August 2019, 13:16
» by sharond
Possibly Musical_Times2 #1394 3 michael 7th August 2019, 12:17
» by malone
i cryptic 2651 5 diablos 7th August 2019, 10:57
» by diablos
Times Jumbo 1394 28d 5 timdownieuk 7th August 2019, 10:56
» by chips
Inquisitor 1606 4 bobbycollins 7th August 2019, 08:59
» by sudokulover
Clueing on Facebook 0 malcolmxword 6th August 2019, 19:51
» by malcolmxword
Times jumbo 1394 cryptic 3 trevsmif 6th August 2019, 18:36
» by trevsmif
alphapuzzle tues 3 manudave 6th August 2019, 17:25
» by malone
Times Jumbo cryptic 1394 13 brad 6th August 2019, 15:27
» by brad
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