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SWE Post Cryptic Crossword 4 claire 8th January 2011, 14:12
» by claire
Guardian 25200 7 jolan 8th January 2011, 13:55
» by jolan
Daily Telegraph Sat 26,444 8 george 8th January 2011, 13:37
» by george
Herald GK Xword - last one - honestly! 2 jaybee 8th January 2011, 13:31
» by jaybee
everyman3353 3 josie 8th January 2011, 13:13
» by josie 10 quizbag 8th January 2011, 12:58
» by cryptus sporidicus
Herald GK Xword - last one 2 jaybee 8th January 2011, 12:39
» by jaybee
Hint needed to point me in right direction! 5 elizabeth 8th January 2011, 12:26
» by squizball
irish catholic crossword 1 oscar 8th January 2011, 12:09
» by jolan
T2 Crossword 1 marcus 8th January 2011, 11:53
» by hunker
Jumbo 906,Cryptic 4 joanmm 8th January 2011, 11:37
» by pat
Times2 jumbo 426 2 georgew 8th January 2011, 10:53
» by georgew
Times Jumbo Cryptic 906 4 fred 8th January 2011, 10:24
» by fred
FT Cryptic 4 oldham 8th January 2011, 07:39
» by chrisg
Spectator 1996 35 sudokulover 8th January 2011, 03:59
» by bathtub
Listener Crossword 4117 8 roger w 8th January 2011, 02:38
» by turast
Quotes sayings phrases song lines etc 84 bigfoot 8th January 2011, 00:36
» by the quiz community police
sandy seaside quiz 3 dianne 7th January 2011, 23:34
» by ixion
Works magazine 4 greenthumb 7th January 2011, 22:25
» by greenthumb
whats the point quiz 1 quizmad 7th January 2011, 20:57
» by helena
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