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Sat Times 24741 10 tir eoghain 10th January 2011, 14:20
» by scallywag
Wee Stinker 2 sherlockjrp 10th January 2011, 14:18
» by sherlockjrp
ST 4415,2d 3 mjp 10th January 2011, 13:55
» by chrisg
Times Cryptic 906 7 ralph 10th January 2011, 13:50
» by ralph
Mephisto 2628 5 bob 10th January 2011, 13:23
» by chrisg
ST4415 2 jono 10th January 2011, 13:18
» by chrisg
Times2 5356 5 DOWN 1 gina 10th January 2011, 12:05
» by podgymoth
wee stinker 2 kendo 10th January 2011, 11:58
» by kendo
sunday times 4415 2 zoe 10th January 2011, 11:46
» by zoe
Guardian Prize 25214 Saturay 8th Ja 2 twm 10th January 2011, 11:43
» by twm
DT 26,444 7dn & 13ac HelpĀ¬ 3 tony 10th January 2011, 11:26
» by tony
12d & 25a 4 times 2 jumbo 10th January 2011, 11:23
» by ginger
Sunday POST 3 killie boy 10th January 2011, 11:05
» by killieboy
music puzzle 4 bhound 10th January 2011, 09:28
» by crypto
Everyman 3354 2 sparrow 10th January 2011, 09:26
» by sparrow
SE Skeleton 8 alan 10th January 2011, 08:43
» by magpie
EP Last one Pls Help 1 kelly 9th January 2011, 23:51
» by ralph
You Mag C/W No; 1212 4 rufina 9th January 2011, 23:35
» by megan
You Mag C/W No; 1212 1 rufina 9th January 2011, 23:32
» by  scousemark
Sat. Times 24741 2 jowest 9th January 2011, 23:17
» by megan
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