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Times jumbo 909 cryptic - 40 across 2 activia 29th January 2011, 19:44
» by ian
cryptic help please 4 greg 29th January 2011, 19:44
» by terry
Daily Mail Fri 28th 2 mrsbantry 29th January 2011, 19:33
» by mrsbantry
Times 24759 2 john doe 29th January 2011, 19:29
» by john doe
daily record crossword 4 marydoll 29th January 2011, 19:19
» by marydoll
cryptic help please 7 greg 29th January 2011, 19:11
» by ab
daily record £500 crossword 3 beau 29th January 2011, 19:00
» by beau
cryptic help please 4 greg 29th January 2011, 18:47
» by greg
TIMES Cryptic 24,759 5 tgi paul 29th January 2011, 18:42
» by tgi paul
Guardian Prize 2 cafca 29th January 2011, 18:42
» by cafcai
YP Cryptic 1 paul 29th January 2011, 18:35
» by tony
insect quiz 7 rosy 29th January 2011, 18:33
» by terry
irish news crossword 2 tom 29th January 2011, 18:27
» by tom
Irish News 2 tir eoghain 29th January 2011, 17:43
» by tir eoghain
The Week 733 4 dandelion 29th January 2011, 17:30
» by dandelion
Type of fabric 9 dairybox 29th January 2011, 16:59
» by dairybox
insect quiz 8 sandy 29th January 2011, 16:58
» by siamcat
Place names in song titles 8 bigfoot 29th January 2011, 16:43
» by bigfoot
d mail sat 9 emf 29th January 2011, 16:14
» by suki
Sat Telegraph GK 3 monkey puzzle 29th January 2011, 15:59
» by suki
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