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Spectator 2422 2 cocobunny 28th August 2019, 22:18
» by cocobunny
Cryptic clue alphapuzzle 2 ollyblue 28th August 2019, 19:28
» by ollyblue
EV1397 12 connie 28th August 2019, 17:15
» by manic mary
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1397 15 themadwomanintheattic 28th August 2019, 14:50
» by malone
Jumbo Cryptic 1396 5 despard 28th August 2019, 12:47
» by despard
last two clues 3 jude52s 28th August 2019, 12:38
» by rusty
Eye 658 - late start 4 jaygray 28th August 2019, 12:09
» by rusty
Everyman 3802 1 tonta 28th August 2019, 11:44
» by sheep
Guardian Prize - where to begin! 99 redhead 28th August 2019, 11:42
» by pattie
Spectator 2422 3 novice 28th August 2019, 10:08
» by rusty
Tues funday crossword 4 jinty 28th August 2019, 09:31
» by mattrom
ft 16248 5 laurel 28th August 2019, 08:47
» by malone
Tuesday funday d/record 1 jinty 28th August 2019, 08:44
» by mattrom
i Cryptic 2669 7 diablos 28th August 2019, 07:35
» by rusty
Flights of fancy 2 susie 28th August 2019, 00:35
» by nexus
ft 16248 2 laurel 27th August 2019, 21:54
» by chips
Times jumbo 1398 cryptic 6 bigdave1954 27th August 2019, 21:00
» by rusty
Times cryptic jumbo 1398 August 26th 3 goringite 27th August 2019, 10:05
» by goringite
IQ 1609 18 xwordfan 27th August 2019, 08:57
» by gerba
iCryptic 2668 6 diablos 27th August 2019, 07:06
» by rusty
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