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Topic Replies Started by Last post
D/R. wrong clue 2 jinty 2nd March 2011, 14:59
» by jinty
D/R the big one. can't think 1 jinty 2nd March 2011, 14:39
» by tonyw
RTE GUIDE 10 2 moya 2nd March 2011, 13:32
» by moya
word link 5 doug 2nd March 2011, 13:06
» by doug
One to go to retain my sanity 4 caitlyn 2nd March 2011, 12:52
» by emf
Last 1 please help 2 dave 2nd March 2011, 12:10
» by dave
Evening Post 3 kelly 2nd March 2011, 12:04
» by kelly
Sunday Times 4422 19 mikey 2nd March 2011, 11:15
» by chas
D/Rec. Sat. Stuck. 3 jinty 2nd March 2011, 10:29
» by jinty
John ? 5 jerry 2nd March 2011, 10:27
» by jerry
YP Cryptic 1 paul 2nd March 2011, 08:22
» by gareth
IMPORTANT MESSAGE 41 les40 2nd March 2011, 07:19
» by wendy
Same first letter.... 4 blind monkey 1st March 2011, 23:59
» by tonyw
Rhyming quiz 2 mags 1 1st March 2011, 23:52
» by mags 1
sunday times 4422 6 tim 1st March 2011, 23:51
» by .
EV 956 6 laura 1st March 2011, 23:09
» by tony
times jumbo 913 cryptic 7 tigerinthezoo 1st March 2011, 23:07
» by pastille
i said i was chastised bye 0 greg 1st March 2011, 23:03
» by greg
Times Sat 24783 12A, 1D 6 jaxinnz 1st March 2011, 22:54
» by jaxinnz
daily record Big One 4 cheanie 1st March 2011, 22:46
» by babs
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