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wee stinker 26 bigred 7th March 2011, 18:53
» by keith westeren
tls 869 12 across 2 rony 7th March 2011, 17:57
» by rony
sun times 4423 3 jules b 7th March 2011, 16:55
» by jules b
AZED 2023 8 aristophanes 7th March 2011, 16:00
» by aristophanes
Sat DT 26,492 2d & 10 a 3 chris 7th March 2011, 14:46
» by chris
Rte10 3 mamie 7th March 2011, 14:12
» by mamya
Rte 10 last one 2 mamie 7th March 2011, 13:09
» by mamya
Spring Water Quiz 4 brass 7th March 2011, 12:39
» by brass
Short one 1 quincy 7th March 2011, 12:23
» by chald
times jumbo cryptic 914 12 sallyw 7th March 2011, 12:14
» by chald
Wee Stinker 6 dunderheid 7th March 2011, 11:49
» by took
Sunday Mail 7 days magazine 2 teddybear 7th March 2011, 11:15
» by teddybear
DT Sat prize xword 26,492 - 16 d 7 jrw808 7th March 2011, 10:42
» by robertp
sat times jumbo914 5 reg l 7th March 2011, 10:34
» by ajt
Times Jumbo 914 Cryptic: 34D 2 geordie paul 7th March 2011, 10:33
» by geordie paul
i paper Friday 4th 6 mikey 7th March 2011, 10:00
» by mikey
Independent 7608 4 maggie 7th March 2011, 09:59
» by maggie
sunday mail seven days 1 beau 7th March 2011, 09:09
» by dave
Sat Times 24789 3 annea 7th March 2011, 08:26
» by annea
Stumped 5 maurie 7th March 2011, 00:14
» by maurie
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