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Topic Replies Started by Last post
alphapuzzle wed 3 manudave 25th September 2019, 11:52
» by malone
i Cryptic 2693 6 diablos 25th September 2019, 08:29
» by malone
Daily cryptic 1 jayne 25th September 2019, 03:24
» by aristophanes
Listener 4572 76 gitto 24th September 2019, 22:13
» by malone
Times 1402 Cryptic 7 ftsalmon 24th September 2019, 15:50
» by rusty
Cryptic clue alphapuzzle 2 ollyblue 24th September 2019, 15:16
» by ollyblue
i Cryptic 2692 11 diablos 24th September 2019, 13:30
» by david w
Times Jumbo 1402 2 rocketman 24th September 2019, 11:04
» by rocketman
Times 27462 10 ftsalmon 24th September 2019, 08:48
» by sonambulist
Times 1402 Cryptic 4 ftsalmon 24th September 2019, 08:07
» by ftsalmon
Enigmatic Variations 1401 17 alwayspuzzled 23rd September 2019, 18:40
» by malone
ST 4867 15 hallgreening 23rd September 2019, 18:00
» by rusty
AZED 2467 2 dobbo 23rd September 2019, 17:49
» by dobbo
CLUELESS 441 43 aristophanes 23rd September 2019, 17:29
» by fieryjack
Herald on Sunday - Some advice please 2 mmairm 23rd September 2019, 16:11
» by kasseistamper
Inquisitor 1613 39 lumen 23rd September 2019, 16:09
» by bobbycollins
PEER REVIEW 403 70 bigbadmarty2 23rd September 2019, 15:08
» by paul
Alphapuzzle Mon 2 shakey 23rd September 2019, 13:58
» by shakey
ST 4869 5 shipwreck 23rd September 2019, 12:38
» by elle
Word Puzzle Games 0 mattnigh432 23rd September 2019, 11:30
» by mattnigh432
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