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SAGA DECEMBER 3 trelos1 21st November 2019, 11:22
» by trelos1
SAGA DECEMBER 8 trelos1 21st November 2019, 09:29
» by trelos1
alphapuzzle wed 6 manudave 20th November 2019, 18:59
» by rusty
RT 48 11 chrise 20th November 2019, 14:16
» by rusty
VIZ 291 8 xwordfan 20th November 2019, 13:18
» by doss
i Cryptic 2741 3 diablos 20th November 2019, 09:08
» by diablos
Inquisitor 1621 27 kirky 20th November 2019, 00:15
» by betty2
Viz 291 2 robthebuck 19th November 2019, 22:30
» by rusty
Times cryptic Jumbo 1410 55 across 3 crossray 19th November 2019, 22:13
» by chips
Harpers 2019-12 puzzle 7 syzygy 19th November 2019, 18:15
» by keisterbutton
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1410 2 hereward 19th November 2019, 15:43
» by hereward
Telgraph crosswords 0 april 19th November 2019, 12:40
» by april
The Week 1184 3 halifaxandrew 19th November 2019, 10:19
» by brendan
alphapuzzle tues 4 manudave 19th November 2019, 10:00
» by manudave
i Cryptic 2740 8 diablos 19th November 2019, 09:54
» by rusty
Viz 291 pg 5 hijinx 18th November 2019, 23:55
» by kirky
ST . No. 4877 1 laurel 18th November 2019, 23:11
» by scorpiojo
ST 4877 1 shipwreck 18th November 2019, 21:28
» by chrise
Anagrams, What are they? 12 ryanmile 18th November 2019, 21:13
» by ryanmile
Catholic Herald 4 pipesmoker 18th November 2019, 20:21
» by pipesmoker
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