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St4521 3 lizh 20th January 2013, 16:03
» by lizh
MOS 8 joe 90 20th January 2013, 15:51
» by shooty
Times Cryptic 12 valroland 20th January 2013, 15:42
» by shooty
SWEP cryptic 10 martynclark 20th January 2013, 15:40
» by mamya
Times Cryptic 1018 6 stephen w 20th January 2013, 15:39
» by brackendale
ST4521 3 lilacwine 20th January 2013, 15:34
» by brackendale
Times cryptic 1018 2 viva voce 20th January 2013, 15:33
» by viva voce
Sunday Times Cryptic 4521 4 vrk 20th January 2013, 15:31
» by vrk
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1018 4 bluemoo2 20th January 2013, 15:06
» by bluemoo2
St 4521 4 lizh 20th January 2013, 15:00
» by joan
cryptic 6 saoirs 20th January 2013, 14:58
» by saoirs
times saturday 0 barry 20th January 2013, 14:22
» by barry
DT 27079 2 lynnh 20th January 2013, 14:18
» by lynnh
times cryptic 1018 3 wen b 20th January 2013, 14:10
» by wen b
Sun. Times 4521 5 hallgreening 20th January 2013, 14:03
» by hallgreening
Sun. Times 4521 8 hallgreening 20th January 2013, 13:55
» by sudokulover
SoS Crossword 2 georgeg 20th January 2013, 13:34
» by georgeg
Brainbasher 2013 16 cathyr 20th January 2013, 13:00
» by cathyr
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1013 3 docrum 20th January 2013, 12:48
» by docrum
Cryptic 8 chelsea1234 20th January 2013, 12:47
» by bernie
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