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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Everyman 3,877 60 brendan 5th February 2021, 14:28
» by brendan
Stuck on a few 8 mbw 5th February 2021, 12:24
» by rossim
Genius 212 34 buzzybee 5th February 2021, 10:05
» by maddy
Times Monthly Club Special 20245 6 kenhiggs 4th February 2021, 15:20
» by kenhiggs
CLUELESS 512 51 mattrom 4th February 2021, 10:41
» by kt17
Linkword 12 rays 3rd February 2021, 16:37
» by rays
Times Crossword 27,888 5 rocketman 3rd February 2021, 14:58
» by norah (admin)
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1448 7 despard 3rd February 2021, 14:53
» by malone
IQ 1684 30 brendan 3rd February 2021, 10:16
» by merenz
Cryptic 2 jadzia49 3rd February 2021, 06:34
» by jadzia49
Guardian Prize 28,356 71 brendan 2nd February 2021, 15:11
» by barryc
Pars please 2 kfirst 2nd February 2021, 13:28
» by kfirst
Linkword 2 rays 2nd February 2021, 12:45
» by rays
A couple of clues 2 kribens 1st February 2021, 21:37
» by hotelwhiskey7
Animal 1 epsh42 1st February 2021, 20:19
» by buddy
A Food 2 epsh42 1st February 2021, 20:05
» by epsh42
Cryptic explanations needed 6 mbw 1st February 2021, 13:31
» by paul
Weekend Peer Review 65 76 bigbadmarty2 1st February 2021, 13:27
» by paul
LISTENER 4644 17 tatters 1st February 2021, 13:12
» by peterm
Herod was a tenacious chap, it was reported 1 mbw 1st February 2021, 01:02
» by mattrom
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