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Topic Replies Started by Last post
LISTENER 4655 20 tatters 18th April 2021, 08:45
» by lumen
Peer Review 484 62 mathprofrockstar 17th April 2021, 11:28
» by peterm
Times 27943 3 philm 17th April 2021, 10:04
» by philm
Local rag 1 bert 17th April 2021, 08:30
» by brendan
Times jumbo 1394 cryptic 12 trevsmif 17th April 2021, 04:02
» by brendan
Spectator 2502 10 kt17 16th April 2021, 07:47
» by malone
Linkword 8 rays 16th April 2021, 06:09
» by malone
LISTENER 4654, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS 50 malone 15th April 2021, 13:39
» by rad
EV 1482 30 xwordfan 15th April 2021, 13:06
» by grunger
Spectator 2501 10 will37 15th April 2021, 12:17
» by cocobunny
Daily record tues 3 jinty 15th April 2021, 11:19
» by rossim
CLUELESS 522 35 jono 15th April 2021, 01:05
» by paul
Life and style No. 1637 2 linton 14th April 2021, 19:36
» by rossim
Saturday Times 27,948 13 bassett 14th April 2021, 01:10
» by mattrom
Guardian Prize 28,416 73 brendan 13th April 2021, 23:46
» by longtimelurker
genius 214 76 prospero 13th April 2021, 22:25
» by ixion
Everyman 3,887 43 alzy 13th April 2021, 17:03
» by lexo
Inquisitor 1692 36 gitto 13th April 2021, 09:45
» by brendan
Sunday Times 4950 7 hotelwhiskey7 12th April 2021, 14:46
» by shipwreck
Inquisitor 1694 19 granama1 12th April 2021, 09:57
» by puzzledbadger
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