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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Guardian Prize 28,404 99 brendan 30th March 2021, 15:20
» by williamseal
Everyman 3,885 51 brendan 30th March 2021, 12:53
» by jono
Azed 2546 9 eviltony 30th March 2021, 09:06
» by roma
Times cryptic 21.35 14 whetstone 29th March 2021, 22:11
» by rusty
@mamya 2 chrise 29th March 2021, 18:23
» by chrise
Sunday Times Cryptic 4948 8 bobbycollins 29th March 2021, 15:47
» by bobbycollins
Weekend Peer Review 73 59 mattrom 29th March 2021, 14:28
» by fieryjack
Mum’s last crossword 3 gwinear 29th March 2021, 12:29
» by jono
Speccie 2498 "Cross-Country" 15 the18racer 28th March 2021, 23:30
» by fred108
Wall Street Journal 20210327 6 syzygy 28th March 2021, 23:29
» by rosalind
Times cryptic 21.23 17 whetstone 28th March 2021, 22:21
» by whetstone
The Turing Challenge 8 simond9x 28th March 2021, 19:36
» by tatters
EV 1480 7 kirky 28th March 2021, 19:15
» by alwayspuzzled
Cricket 4 elephant 28th March 2021, 17:32
» by elephant
RTE Guide no. 13 2 laurel 28th March 2021, 16:33
» by rossim
Linkword 2 rays 28th March 2021, 15:38
» by rays
Times Jumbo cryptic 1489 8 grahamr 28th March 2021, 13:17
» by token
Ditloids help 0 taffwilf 28th March 2021, 10:51
» by taffwilf
Saturday Times 27936 8 bassett 27th March 2021, 21:01
» by bassett
Local cryptic 1 jadzia49 27th March 2021, 20:59
» by buddy
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