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Topic Replies Started by Last post
RIP MAMYA 13 jazzgirl 15th August 2022, 18:38
» by jazzgirl
Peer Review 553 49 jono 15th August 2022, 12:37
» by jono
Everyman 3957 30 brendan 14th August 2022, 20:09
» by rocky7
Times Cryptic Jumbo 1569 29 diver 14th August 2022, 13:02
» by sandranufc
Linkword 4 rays 14th August 2022, 12:33
» by rays
Times 28,368 3 bassett 14th August 2022, 10:08
» by bassett
Spectator 2568 18 jazzgirl 13th August 2022, 19:35
» by malone
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1234 6 cretin66 13th August 2022, 18:28
» by chrise
Viz 318 - Caution PG 2 bigev 13th August 2022, 16:57
» by brendan
Daily Mirror 3 kingfisher 13th August 2022, 16:44
» by malone
Cryptic Definition 25 jaqck 13th August 2022, 16:13
» by chrise
TLS 1438 6 bellakemp 13th August 2022, 14:58
» by brendan
FT 17,172 2 loubyloo10 13th August 2022, 12:34
» by loubyloo10
Inquisitor 1763 9 bobbycollins 12th August 2022, 13:19
» by notnil
LISTENER 4721 - HINTS and GENTLE NUDGES TO THEME 162 malone 11th August 2022, 19:21
» by smellyharry
Linkword 5 rays 11th August 2022, 16:36
» by rays
Viz 318 - Caution PG 20 hastings69 11th August 2022, 14:17
» by metalmrhat
Clueless 591 39 jono 11th August 2022, 01:37
» by aristophanes
RTE Guide 33 5 laurel 10th August 2022, 22:19
» by malone
EV 1551 2 son1ofrover1 10th August 2022, 15:21
» by bobbycollins
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