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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Times Jumbo 1595 8 tim1471 21st January 2023, 09:30
» by strangelybrown
Peer Review 576 48 jono 20th January 2023, 23:21
» by dorrien
Letter from Australasia Quiz 5 shane 20th January 2023, 19:04
» by shane
Times 8727 12 melbann 19th January 2023, 21:15
» by tyke51
Clueless 614 41 fieryjack 19th January 2023, 18:14
» by jono
Wee Stinker 11 ian 19th January 2023, 14:10
» by tyke51
i puzzle blog 3 david w 19th January 2023, 12:25
» by david w
Inquisitor 1786 9 cruciluci 19th January 2023, 09:26
» by smellyharry
Everyman 3978 24 clarkgwent 18th January 2023, 16:51
» by ratselhaft
LISTENER 4743 - Hints and Gentle Nudges to Theme 79 malone 17th January 2023, 21:43
» by mdmaylwin
Viz 322 - Caution PG 28 cwfan13243 17th January 2023, 20:57
» by orange
Radio Times 7 gtjcb02 17th January 2023, 16:31
» by jazzgirl
Epworth Church Quiz 3 snowball 17th January 2023, 12:37
» by jono
Times 28,500 4 bassett 16th January 2023, 15:31
» by will37
Spectator 2587 8 alwayspuzzled 16th January 2023, 10:10
» by jazzgirl
Weekend Peer Review 167 46 jono 16th January 2023, 03:09
» by paul
Alphapuzzle Saturday 5 cat55 15th January 2023, 13:36
» by jogriff
Azed 2639 2 granama1 15th January 2023, 12:24
» by granama1
Guardian Prize 28,967 51 geeker 15th January 2023, 10:51
» by jono
Peer Review 575 55 mathprofrockstar 14th January 2023, 14:48
» by dorrien
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