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Daily Mirror - Saturday 1 kingfisher 14th May 2023, 17:42
» by chrise
Azed 2656 3 jono 14th May 2023, 10:16
» by cockie
Peer Review 592 51 mattrom 13th May 2023, 08:01
» by geeker
RT 20 7 mop 12th May 2023, 21:35
» by chrise
Private Crossword 2 mitch0071 12th May 2023, 20:44
» by tyke51
Playfair and Printer's Devilry Puzzles 12 bobbycollins 12th May 2023, 20:24
» by mattrom
Azed 2655 9 cockie 12th May 2023, 15:27
» by dcem
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1613 14 bear of lb 11th May 2023, 23:34
» by tyke51
LISTENER 4762 - Hints and Gentle Nudges To Theme 53 malone 11th May 2023, 20:55
» by vedova
IQ 1802 22 jack aubrey 11th May 2023, 15:18
» by bobbycollins
Daily Mirror Big One - 6 May 4 agatha 11th May 2023, 07:59
» by jazzgirl
Clueless 630 37 tyke51 11th May 2023, 03:17
» by aristophanes
Private Eye 752 34 worworcrossol 10th May 2023, 18:03
» by malone
Oldie Genius 426 2 mobylette 10th May 2023, 15:57
» by mobylette
Is there a puzzle section in the Sunday Telegraph today? 7 krauton 10th May 2023, 10:26
» by jack aubrey
Times Jumbo 1614 3 strangelybrown 10th May 2023, 08:58
» by strangelybrown
Salisbury Local Paper 2 moonraker2 9th May 2023, 21:46
» by moonraker2
Everyman 3994 29 clarkgwent 8th May 2023, 22:10
» by heleninglos
Guardian Prize 29,063 49 jono 8th May 2023, 16:22
» by chrise
Invitation to all Solvers 12 dorrien 8th May 2023, 02:57
» by paul
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