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Times Crossword Solutions
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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Sunday Times 4436 5 daisy 5th June 2011, 20:08
» by mgm
times jumbo 928 4 mary d 5th June 2011, 19:59
» by mary d
Times Jumbo Cryptic 928 5 enigma 5th June 2011, 19:35
» by enigma
Times. 4436. 7 john 5th June 2011, 19:32
» by john
Times cryptic 928 2 bizkit 5th June 2011, 18:59
» by enigma
Sunday times concise number 1211 14 mike 5th June 2011, 18:53
» by mike
Times 928 5 susanna 5th June 2011, 18:28
» by susanna
Times 928 Cryptic 4 helenb 5th June 2011, 17:58
» by rosalind
Times Quick Crossword 5481 8 ginnie 5th June 2011, 17:33
» by nutkin
Times Jumbo 928 4 philip 5th June 2011, 17:21
» by philip
Times Jumbo 928 8 iain 5th June 2011, 17:18
» by jez
Times 24867 3 salut 5th June 2011, 17:09
» by salut
Times cryptic 2 val 5th June 2011, 17:08
» by val
times jumbo cryptic 926 anyone still on it? 8 m.o.m.o 5th June 2011, 16:35
» by m.o.m.o
Times Cryptic 928 Wierd Dance? 4 torquinian 5th June 2011, 16:15
» by sallyw
Times Jumbo 928 non cryptic 2 heather396 5th June 2011, 15:43
» by heather396
Times24867 4 pat 5th June 2011, 15:35
» by pat
Times 24867 4 jenny 5th June 2011, 15:27
» by john
Times 24.867 4 john 5th June 2011, 15:18
» by john
times 2 928 2 carol 5th June 2011, 14:37
» by hgk
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